Guess What?!?

23 11 2010

If you’ve been reading my blog for very long, you’ve probably heard something about some of my food fears (as ridiculous as “food fears” may sound). The fear-foods are ones I’ve labeled as “bad” and I’ve convinced myself that I don’t really like them. Sometimes it’s true, sometimes not. I’ve overcome quite a few of them…pizza (which I discovered I like), normal amounts of bread (delish!), things like that. But there’s one that’s been quite tough. Let’s see if you can guess: I had a couple home-made ones over the summer, but the concept of ordering one at a restaurant? No way. I can’t even remember the last time I ordered one. But I wanted to. How silly is it to be so petrified of a food that you can’t go out with friends and order one? It’s really quite silly. And annoying! So I made it my goal, grabbed a few fantastic friends, and headed to Red Robin to order a………


Believe it or not, I actually ordered a burger! Now, it wasn’t anything extravagant…just a plain old cheese burger…but that’s not the point. And I didn’t come close to finishing the whole thing, but again, that’s not really what matters. What matters is this: I ordered the burger. I ate half of the burger. I ate fries. I went home and had cake and ice cream (we were celebrating my birthday). And I didn’t beat myself up about it.

The burger was on my mind all week. I kept thinking about how I would feel…how I would react. I even had a dream that I FORGOT to order a burger when we went out! Fear that I would feel a need to restrict myself the next day, or work out really really hard threatened to overtake my excitement about this huge step I wanted to take. The enemy taunted me, trying to get me to back out. Even while scanning the menu at Red Robin, the Garden Burger caught my attention, and for a moment, I was tempted…you see, a Garden Burger is “safe”. But I wasn’t there for a wimpy little Garden Burger…I was there for a BEEF burger!!

That night, any time that I heard that nasty little lying voice, I simply ignored it. Or told it to shut up. There was no way in…uh…you know where 😉 that I would let the enemy ruin my super-awesome-fun-stride-taking night! And for the record, I succeeded with that.

As I went to bed, I was pleased with how the night had gone, but it wasn’t until the next morning that it hit me just how amazing it really was. I looked in the mirror, expecting to be discouraged and dissatisfied with how I looked…but I didn’t feel that way at all. Quite the opposite, actually! The feelings of needing to restrict surfaced, but I didn’t want to do it. Wait, did I just say I DIDN’T WANT TO!?!? OHMYGOSH! A bit later that morning as I told a friend that I ate half of a burger and some fries and didn’t feel bad, I got really excited…almost giddy! And I felt proud.

This, my dear friends, is a huge victory. And a huge defeat for my bad friend. And this?

the end result

This is a half-eaten burger!

P.S. I’m probably not gonna go burger crazy, but I’m not gonna lie…this burger was pretty tasty!



8 responses

23 11 2010

Wow, Beth! I’m proud of you! Reading up on your struggles with this has been encouraging and exciting to see how God is working in you to overcome these negative thoughts and feelings! Now, there’s a new test coming up soon…how much turkey are you gonna have this Thanksgiving at our house!? 🙂 Keep up the great work, and keep relying on God to fulfill all your needs!

23 11 2010

Thank you, Paul! It’s definitely been a huge learning experience, and God is really showing me a lot! I think the burger was a good pre-test for Thanksgiving haha 🙂

23 11 2010

I’m SO proud of you PANDA!!!
Yay for burger left overs too.
And p.s. you look GORGEOUS! I’m glad you had a wonderful birthday! What a great day to remember.
Love you

23 11 2010

Awwww thank you and thank you!
Love you too

23 11 2010

Kudos to you – I do believe you ate the half of it! Be sure to put in requests for meals while you are home for Christmas. You may have to cook some of them but that’s life! love you sweetheart


24 11 2010

Thanks! I don’t mind cooking…it’ll be nice to have a full kitchen! 🙂 Love you too

9 12 2010
Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun

I just came across your blog but wanted to say how amazing I think this post is. What a great accomplishment!!!

9 12 2010

Thank you so much, and thanks for reading!

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